1. Her full name is Rebecca Ann Liberty Herbst. 2. She was born May 12th, 1977 in Encino, California. 3. She has a mom and dad, Debbie and Wayne. 4. She has an older sister Jennifer (Jenny) who is 25. 5. She's 5'1. 6. She is a kid at heart, a teenager and an adult all rolled into one. 7. She's a Taurus. 8. Her birthstone is Emerald. 9. She likes Butterflies and Teddy Bears. 10. She still has a teddy bear that her mom bought her for her room when she was a baby, named Mr Bearslie. 11. Her favourite animals are penguins and cats. 12. Although one of her favourite animals is cats, she's allergic to them. 13. She LOVES to eat cheese. (Just like me!) 14. She's actually has an AMAZING singing voice. (I've heard her sing and she is REALLY good!) 15. She is an accompished figure skater. 16. If she wasn't an actress, she would be either a fashion designer or an enterior decorator. 17. Although she designed her previous Wedding Gown, she picked this gown from a magazine.

18. She's an amazing jazz/modern dancer (Even though she has never taken a lesson.) 19. Becky's favourite color is blue. 20. She loves to listen to country music,especially LeAnn Rimes and the Dixie Chicks. 21. Her favourite movies are "The Little Mermaid", "Overboard", and "Titanic". 22. Her favourite actors/actresses are Kevin Spacey, Sir Anthony Hopkins, Goldie Hawn and Julia Roberts. 23. She likes to ride horses and travel. 24. She speaks fluent German. 25. Her families' background is German. 26. She wears contacts and glasses. 27. Her eyes are blue. 28. She is 24. 29. She has 5 cats, 4 dogs, 1 rabbit and 1 squirrel. (Most of which are at her parents house.) 30. She lives in Malibu Beach, CA 31. She is ambidextrious. 32. She is afraid of heights. 33. She designs and makes gowns etc.... 34. She has 4 nieces and 1 nephew. 35. Her favourite TV shows (not in any order) are "Ally McBeal" "Seinfeld" "Frasier" 36. She likes to listen to Alan Jackson, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Mandy Moore, Jessica Simpson, Randy Travis, Corrs, Shania Twain, New Kids On the Block (when she was younger she LOVED them and had a crush on Jordan Knight)and many other singers and groups. 37. Her favourite song is "Fancy" by Reba McEntire. 38. Her favourite car is a Light Blue Ford Mustang GT Convertible 39. Her favourite novel is "I Know This Much Is True" By Wally Lamb 40. She loves Christmas and Thanksgiving and any holiday where you can celebrate God. 41. She has been acting since she was five. 42. She has appeared on many talk shows, such as "Rosie O'Donnell", "Howie Mandel" and "Donnie and Marie" 43. She would like to sell the patterns to the gowns she designs. 44. She had a Cabbage patch named, Amy Lou when she was younger. 45. Her birthday is the day after Jonathan Jackson (ex-"Lucky Spencer") and 2 days before Amber. 46. Her mom used to watch GH while nursing Becky when she was a baby. 47. Herbst (pronounced herpst) is the German word for Autumn. 48. Raises money for various charities, espcially Jesse Cause. 49. Was on Wheel of Fortune during Soap City Week. 50. Has an official fan club and soiree. 51. www.rebeccaherbstonline.com is her official website. 52. Has won many awards for her acting and skating. 53. She was previously engaged to photographers assistant, Johnny Lindesmith. 54. Signs her autograph with a heart attached to the R. 55. Her best friends are Amy, Bridget, Jenny Daniels (her sis), Jennifer Sky(ex-"Sarah Webber" and ex-"Cleopatra", "Cleopatra 2525"),Amber Tamblyn and Marisa Ramirez ("Gia Campbell"). 56. Was named #1 Hottest Soap Star. 57. When Becky portrayed "Suzee" on Nickelodeon's "Space Cases", she had her hair dyed red, blue and purple. It was permanent. 58. Becky dated Ingo Rademacher (ex-"Jax") (He may be returning to GH.), 59. Becky enjoy giving herself manicures and pedicures. 60. Becky calls her grandparents on her dad's side, Oma and Opa and on her mom's side, she calls her grandparents, Nanny Laura and Gramps Joe. 61. Becky's favourite food is Scrambled eggs. 62. Becky's favourite junkfood is Hershey's Almond Kisses. 63. Becky owns a Warner Brothers Edition Mini Van. 64. Becky's been to Disney World 7 times! 65. Becky's favourite "Little Mermaid" character is "Flounder". 66. Becky's favourite season is Spring. 67. Becky admits that she sometimes snores. 68. Becky has been on "Days of Our Lives" for a few episodes as "Dana Winthrop", an AIDS patient. 68. Some people call her Becky, but her mom calls her Liberty (Her middle name). 61. She is a great Boggle player. 62. She is going to have a tattoo of a butterfly on her back near her shoulder. 63. Her sister is a Criminal Defence Attorney and is a partner in the law firm, Thompson, Rains and Daniels. 64. Admits to still reading Archie Comics. 65. Loves visitng Florida. 66. Admits to really enjoying hotels, motels, inns, etc.... Could spend hours looking through travel guides and picking just the right hotel. 67. When asked what she would put on a Pizza, she replied, "Pepperoni, Pineapple, Mushrooms and Extra Cheese." 68. Receives 9 thousand 3 hundred and 65 Fan Letters/Packages a day! 69. Her shoe size is 6 1/2. 70. She has brown hair. 71. She loves to take bubble baths. 72. She enjoys writing in her diary. 73. She has been to Australia. 74. She loves to watch British Comedies (Britcoms) such as, "Are You Being Served?", "Keeping Up Appearances", "Vicar of Dibley" and "As Time Goes By". 75. She has over 20 pairs of shoes! 76. She's an advid seamstress. 77. She loves to go shopping. 78. She hates vacuuming. 79. She's a very shy person. 80. She's an Aunt and a Godmother. 81. She was Jennifer Sky's Matron of Honour at her wedding. 82. She prefers Diet Pepsi over Diet Coke. 83. She drinks tea. 84. When a fan sends her mail, she keeps their address in her address book and their e mail address. 85. Becky reads Danielle Steel novels. 86. What is in Becky's dreams at night most often is rain. 87. Becky had originally auditioned for the role of "Sarah Webber", but didn't get the part, so they created the role of "Elizabeth Webber" for her. 88. Although Becky liked working with Steve Burton (ex-"Jason Morgan"), she thinks that "Liz" should be with "Lucky", not "Jason". 89. Becky enjoys the beach and swimming. 90. She enjoys bike riding and roller blading. 91. She loves animals. 92. When Becky was much younger she really enjoyed playing CandyLand and reading the "Baby-Sitter's Club" books. 93. Although she isn't a sports fanatic, if she had to pick a favourite sport to watch, it would have to be, Tennis. 94. She is still friends with Paige Christina Heuser ("Rosie Ianni","Space Cases") 95. She likes Burger King fries the best. 96. If she and Michael have a Girl, they want to name her, Bethanie. If they have a Boy, they want to name him, Connor. 97. Becky knows how to Salsa Dance. 98. Becky prefers to have her hair short. 99. Becky wants to have at least 4 kids. 100. Becky was born 2 days late. |